CATC is the first active-duty troop school to receive accreditation by the U.S. Army Quality Assurance Program. The U.S. Army assessed CATC in accordance with the seven areas covered in the Army Enterprise Accreditation Standards. The seven areas encompass areas such as mission, governance and administration, learning programs, training and education management, assessments and evaluation, staff and faculty, and leader development.
CATC has been a NATO Accredited Education and Training Facility since 2017. Consistent with our three lines of effort which are nested with 7ATC and USAREUR’AF, the Combined Arms Training Center is committed to hosting multinational partners in our classrooms. Because of this, CATC is a NATO systems accredited schoolhouse and provides cost effective individual training courses to partners and allies.
The NATO Supreme Allied Commander Transformation Accreditation Team assessed CATC in three areas: Leadership & Management, Education & Training, and Contributions to NATO. We currently offer 7 courses here at CATC which are on the Military Articles and Services Listing (or MASL). We consistently assess our course offerings from an interoperability standpoint to see which courses can meet the needs of the ever-evolving U.S., NATO and Allied forces in the region. We also assist in the facilitation of military to military and “over the shoulder” informal training activities.