The chaplain section for 7th Army Training Command (7th ATC) in Grafenwoehr, Germany, serves as Religious Support Training Developers and instructors for USAREUR, AFRICOM, EUCOM, and combatant commands to conduct religious support in a military combat environment which integrates Title 10 active/reserve; and Title 32 National Guard, joint, multinational (NATO and Partners for Peace) in expeditionary, operational and training missions.
The 7th ATC chaplain section pioneers and executes Multinational Chaplaincy training programs as part of a Theater Security Cooperation plan. The 7th ATC chaplain and 7th ATC senior NCO serve as principle advisors to 7th ATC commanding general, CSM and staff on religious support in command, ethics, moral leadership and command resilience. In addition, spiritual leadership and pastoral care is provided to 7th ATC HQ and subordinates units to meet the needs of Soldiers, family members and authorized DoD civilians.