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Grafenwoehr Training Area

GTA Logo

The 7th ATC's Grafenwoehr Training Area provides the highest quality ranges, maneuver areas, other training facilities, training assistance and support to U.S., Joint and Multinational commands enabling them to safely achieve and sustain live-fire qualification gunnery standards and to hone their skills to win in any operating environment.

Co-located with 7th ATC's other directorates and resources, GTA falls under the Training Support Activity Europe and seamlessly integrates live, virtual and constructive training, providing a “blended” training event which can fully integrate all elements within the training unit. 

Who We Are

The Grafenwoehr Training Area is the U.S. Army’s largest and most sophisticated permanent training area in Europe. GTA’s live-fire and maneuver ranges supports U.S., NATO and partner nation live fire qualifications from small arms to tanks, artillery, aerial gunnery and close air support. GTA is composed of 4 branches: the maneuver branch, scheduling branch, safety branch and range support branch.


Our Capabilities

The Grafenwoehr Training Area is the U.S. Army’s largest and most sophisticated permanent training area in Europe. GTA’s live-fire and maneuver ranges supports U.S., NATO and partner nation live fire qualifications from small arms to tanks, artillery, aerial gunnery and close air support. GTA is composed of 4 branches: the maneuver branch, scheduling branch, safety branch and range support branch.


GTA encompasses 233 km2 with over 113km of tank trails and over 241km of secondary roads. The training area boasts 44 digitally connected computerized ranges—the most in the U.S Army. We have 43 artillery position areas, 24 mortar firing points, 2 airfields, 3 surveyed drop zones, 3 demolition areas and 2 dig sites for engineer training, plus 2 main impacts areas and 3 impact areas associated with specific ranges.


Official Mailing Address:
7th Army Training Command
GTA Range Operations
Unit 28130
APO, AE 09114-8130


German Postal Address:
7th ATC GTA Range Operations
US-Lager, Geb. 3015
92655, Grafenwoehr


  • Commercial in Germany: 09641-70-XXXX
  • From the US: 011-49-9641-70-XXXX
  • DSN from the US: (314) XXX-XXXX


Firing Desk: x526-1200
Range Safety: x569-4010
Range Scheduler: x569-4031
Maneuver Branch: x569-4030
Air Operations: x569-4019

Training Impacts, Noise & Advisories

Grafenwoehr Training Area serves a wide variety of customers, including militaries from Allied and Partner nations. 7th ATC is conscious of the impact that training activities may have on the local populace and strives to be a good member of the community. When possible, we schedule the majority of our training events during weekdays and normal work day hours.

What type of aircraft flies in GTA?
U.S. Fighter Jets, Rotary Wing and Fixed Wing; German Aircraft; NATO Forces Fighter Jets

Grafenwoehr training area is a restricted military area and the airspace above the training area is also closed to civilian air traffic. Violations will be reported and prosecuted by the responsible German authorities.

Truppenuebungsplatz Grafenwoehr um militaerisches Sperrgebiet handelt und auch der Luftraum ueber dem Uebungsplatz fuer den zivilien Flugverkehr gesperrt ist. Zuwiderhandlungen werden gemeldet und durch die zustaendigen deutschen Behoerden geahndet.

What type of Weapons are used in GTA?
Artillery, Small Arms, Tanks, Aerial Gunnery, Close-air Support

Why is the training noise loud?
Terrain, Caliber of Weapons, Weather

Weather conditions, like wind speed and direction, temperature and humidity, and overcast or low-hanging clouds, may affect both the amplification of noise and distance in which sound is heard.

What determines training schedules?
Grafenwoehr Training Area operates range operations according to the Status of Forces Agreement (Deutsch).

How does this affect the environment?
7th Army Training Command takes our environmental stewardship to protect and conserve the land, water, and wildlife throughout the Grafenwoehr Training Area very seriously as it is also home to numerous plant, animal, and insect species that thrive throughout the forest, fields, lakes and biodiverse regions of the area. Check out our Environmental page to learn more.