Home : About Us : Directorates and Commands : Joint Multinational Simulation Center
Joint Multinational Simulation Center

JMSC LogoThe Joint Multinational Simulation Center, headquartered in Grafenwoehr, Germany, trains the art and science of command and control, from company-level to a 4-star command and staff. Through an efficient blend of virtual, gaming and constructive training, JMSC is able to better prepare Soldiers and units for any mission.

We provide and facilitate mission command training at all echelons through integration of established Live, Virtual, Constructive, and Gaming (LVC-G) training environments enabling commanders to accomplish training objectives.

JMSC maintains its pre-eminent role in delivering comprehensive training by incorporating technical and doctrinal innovations, providing Component and Unified Action Partners with training capabilities in support of Geographic and Functional Component Commands’ Theater Engagement Strategies focused on EUCOM, AFRICOM, CENTCOM, SOCOM and NATO.  


JMSC is capable of linking training and simulations centers across Europe to provide simulated exercise rehearsals without expending a bullet or a drop of fuel, and can provide simultaneous constructive simulations that supplement live training and expand the battle space for U.S. and multinational training units.

JMSC provides and facilitates mission command training at all echelons through the integration of established Training Environments. Our key capabilities include our Mission Command Program, Digital Mission Command System Training, support to small unit collective training and the development and execution of Command Post Exercises.



(CAC-Enabled) Training Requests: 

Official Mailing Address:
Unit 28130
APO, AE 09114

German Postal Address:
Geb. 1444, Lager Aachen
92655 Grafenwoehr, Deutschland





  • Commercial in Germany: 09641-70-526-XXXX
  • From the US: 011-49-9641-70-526-XXXX
  • DSN from the US: (314) 526-XXXX


Director: x0521
Training Support: x0777
Digital University: x0769

Request Training: x7777

Intel: x0617

Security: x0618