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Special Victim's Counsel Services
The Special Victim’s Counsel’s (SVC) mission is to provide victims of sexual assault with confidential legal representation related to issues that may arise as a result of being sexually assaulted.  These services are free of charge.  SVCs can answer questions about investigations and the legal process; including filing a restricted or unrestricted report, and the right not to make a statement.  Conversations with the SVC are privileged and confidential, meaning that generally, the SVC cannot reveal anything without a client’s permission, including a Soldier’s chain of command, law enforcement, other attorneys, the SARC or UVA, or anyone else.
The SVC may provide the following services:


  • Accompany clients to and advise during interviews, examinations, hearings, and court-martial proceedings.
  • Represent a client’s interests in a court-martial as permitted by law.
  • Refer clients to the Trial Defense Service for collateral misconduct, if necessary.
  • Advocate for a client’s interest with Government counsel on disposition options.
  • Assist clients with post-trial submissions to include victim impact statements.
  • Advise clients on collateral civil issues arising from the crime.
  • Provide Legal Assistance services.


Soldiers may speak with a SVC at anytime during the legal, medical, or investigative process. SVCs are available by appointment and walk-ins in the Grafenwoehr Legal Assistance Office on Tower Barracks.

Trial Defense Services

At Trial Defense Services (TDS), we serve the Soldier, the client. All discussions are strictly confidential.

Soldiers facing an Article 15, Chapter, or any other criminal legal issue will need to send an email to the Trial Defense Service Mailbox at usarmy.bavaria.7atc.mbx.trial-defense-services@army.mil to schedule an appointment with an attorney. 

The email must include the Soldier's full name, including rank and middle initial, German contact number or DSN, unit paralegal name and contact information, along with the TDS Client Card (found below). Please also provide a copy of the Article 15 or Chapter packet.

Soldiers under investigation may walk-in to meet with an attorney without an appointment during our hours of operation, call to schedule an appointment, or send us an e-mail. All other legal service actions require an appointment and counseling with a TDS paralegal prior to meeting with an attorney.

Hours of Operation:
Monday-Wednesday, Friday: 9 a.m.-4 p.m. (closed 11:30-1 p.m.)
Thursday: 1-4 p.m.

Location And Contact Information:
Trial Defense Services
Building 245, 3rd floor Rose Barracks
CIV +49(0)9641-70-599-7737/7734, DSN (314) 599-7737/7734
E-mail: usarmy.bavaria.7atc.mbx.trial-defense-services@army.mil
